Board of Directors Approved 01/08/04
December 16, 2003
Present: Bardizbanian, Fell, French, Justus, Hughes, Frisbie, Olsen, Steiner,
Gemmer Wilson, Brooks, Capozzo, Sottana
Newly Elected: Sullivan, Young, King, Passalacqua
The meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.
Minutes of November 6 and November 25, 2003
Olsen motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried.
Pool & Fitness
Due to changes to the fitness center and cost increases, French requested
additional funds of $15,000 to complete the project. Olsen motioned to
approve with funds from C.I.F., Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.
Long Range Plan - Sconza
Sconza recommended that the Board approve the Phase 2 concept as documented
in the handout presented at the December Board meeting. Also, to
allow the Phase 2 Committee to present the plan to the membership during
the months of January and February 2004. Fell motioned to approve,
Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Delinquent Members: Letters have been sent to the two delinquent members
to bring their account current or their membership will be sold at a price
determined by the Board as discussed at the November 2003 Board meeting. There
has been no reply.
Prior Year's C.I.F Projects: Bardizbanian recommended that the directors
review the Capital Improvement Projects and to discuss the projects at the
January 2004 Board meeting.
The Treasurer's Report was accepted.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: McNally, Dailey, Reno, Nelson, Van Ormer, Van Duzer.
Olsen motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried. There
were two Notices To Sell which will be effective for sale December 17, 2003.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Justus, Secretary
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